Who Gets the Dog?

Property Division in Minnesota The marriage is over and the two of you are trying to figure out who gets what.  The first thing you should know is that the two of you can agree to divide your property however you want.  You can agree to divide it equally, with each of...

My Ex Didn’t Make the Payment! Now What?

You are finally divorced.  The drama is over and you’re ready to get on with your life, drama free.  As part of the deal, your ex was ordered to pay off certain debts that were originally taken out in both of your names.  For example a credit card, car loan, or...

How to Get Divorced without an Attorney

I receive a few telephone calls each month from people who want to get divorced without an attorney.  They call me because they are not really sure if it can be done.  I am here to tell you that it can.  If you and your spouse are in agreement on everything from who...